Jan 4, 2019

Index Newsletter

World Braille Day 2019

January 4 is the day that Louis Braille's birthday is remembered. Braille literacy is not offered in most mainstream schools globally. There is a chronic shortage across the six continents of teachers qualified to teach braille. Yet, every child that is blind, has the right to be educated in learning braille by someone who is competent in teaching braille.

University of Sarajevo

University of Sarajevo

The University of Sarajevo in Bosnia-Herzegovina has been selected to be donated an Index Everest-D V5 with Acoustic Hood Everest in the Index Donation Program 2018.
The braille production facility will be a part of their new inclusive library setup, promoting literacy for the blind. 

Braille recognized by UN

The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a World Blind Union's Resolution, affirming World Braille Day, January 4. The purpose of the World Braille Day is to raise awareness of the importance of braille, converting the written word to tactile form for the benefit of blind and partially sighted persons worldwide.

"This is a wonderful achievement, especially because braille is the means of literacy for blind people. Literacy is the foundation of education and the foundation of full integration of employment' says WBU's President Dr. Fred Schroeder, live from the UN Head Quarters in New York City. Watch his full remarks on WBU YouTube Channel


Index Braille printers

Index Braille printers

The Index Braille embosser line offers high-speed embossing and exceptional braille quality at an affordable price.