Mar 28, 2019

Index Newsletter

New staff and the BrailleApp

Mr. Jens Johansson is now the service manager at Index Braille. Now it is possible to test the unique BrailleApp functions in a web link.

Contribution in the team

Contribution in the team
Mr. Jens Johansson is our new service manager. He is in charge of customer support. You reach him at and direct number +49-920-203083. 

Mr. Mangnus Brantd is our new production technician. He focus is in production of FanFold-D, Everest-D and Basic-D.

BrailleApp on Internet

BrailleApp on Internet
Index BrailleApp, the tool for printing braille, select layout, setup communication and printer management is now available on the Internet. Test below link free-of-charge.

Link to BrailleApp mock-up

All Index printer available

All Index printer available
Basic-D, Everest-D, BrailleBox and FanFold-D are now available in the factory stock. 

Orders will be shipped within one week.