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RTFC Braille converter Germany


The RTFC Braille Converter is available as a separate product as well as a part of the RTFC Personal Edition and the RTFC Professional Edition. With RTFC you can easily convert your documents into files for various media types like web pages, online help, large print, braille and digital talking books.

In contrast to the Personal and Professional Edition of RTFC, the Braille Converter has no large print and Daisy support. The Professional Edition adds support for intermediate levels of Braille in German, English as well as French. Price 150-600 €.

Link to RTFC Web site 

Link to download RTFC Demo

Mail Contact service@rtfc.eu

Features of the Braille Converter
- Braille translation for American, British, French, German or Spanish braille (in Spanish uncontracted only). The translation is granted to be accurate for a vocabulary of more than 500,000 of the most frequent words.
- Integrates seamlessly with Windows Explorer and Microsoft Word. A Braille menu turns Word into a braille publishing system for converting and embossing documents on the fly.
- Reads several file formats including text only, RTF, PDF, Microsoft Word and the contents of the Windows Clipboard. Since RTFC is capable of using import filters of Microsoft Word, every file format supported by word can be read.
- Capital signs, NEMETH and Antoine code as well as marburg math, dropped down numbers, foreign accented letters etc. are optional.
- Passages in other grades of braille, math and Computer Code are possible. Web addresses will be shown in computer code automatically.
- A transparency mode allows for embedding passages in any braille code (this could be LaTeX, braille music notation or any other braille system).
- You can enter any dot pattern at any position in the text.
Extracts formatting information from documents and applies them in a reader-friendly way.
- Text profiles allow for creating consistent and reusable formats for different texts. User-extendable templates for common paper sizes are supplied out of the box.
- Choose a layout which closely matches print or saves as much space as possible for braille. You can double the line spacing for better readability for beginners or do a first indent for each paragraph.
- Various options for designing headers and footers are available: print and braille page numbers, running headers and the title of the document.
- An integrated printer driver supports all major braille embossers and allows for embossing over a network.

Additional Features of The Personal Edition
- You can embed languages other than the main language in the same file.
- Contains the RTFC Daisy Generator for creating digital talking books.
- You can enhance the variety of talking books or create multilingual books by using two SAPI voices at the same time

Additional Features of The Professional Edition
- Creates lists like a table of contents and an index including print and braille page numbers.
- A built-in hyphenation module helps to save space with a low number of characters per line.
- You can customize many details for accurate presentation of borders and underlining, tables, graphics and character properties.
- Braille-Tags allow for changes of formatting and translation settings throughout your documents. They also introduce new design capabilities for creating complex documents.
- A special file format, "Rich Text Braille", allows for unlimited editing of output files before final pagination.
- User-defineable braille profiles allow for intermediate levels between grade 1 and grade 2 in all languages except for Spanish. You can activate single contractions as well as groups of contractions for educational purposes.
- Exception lists for contraction rules and proper names extend the capabilities of the braille module for all professional applications.

System requirements
- Windows 2000 or above
- We offer additional SAPI 5 voices for creating talking books
- 256 MB RAM (minimum)
- 500 MB free disk space
- Recommended text processor: Microsoft Word 97 through 2010

Braille Converter: 150 €

Personal Edition: 300 €

Professional Edition
Single user license: 600 €
Additional workplaces: 200 €
Campus license for up to 50 workplaces(not including SAPI voices): 5400 €

Dealer imprint
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) W. Hubert
Aichinger Str. 31
D-71277 Rutesheim
Phone: +49 (0 71 52) 35 74 47
E-Mail: kontakt@rtfc.eu