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Error 216 with TactileView design software-X

Error 216 defines - too many transparent characters. Characters are defiant of being transparent when printing graphics as the dots may appear anywhere within the surface of the page. This is in comparison to a text document in which characters are embossed in rows or also "lines" and the algorithm is more characterized. Therefore, if any of these transparent characters travel outside of the alloted format, the file becomes an error. 

In order to fix this error you may check the following:

1. Ensure that you have the latest firmware version. This you may review here

2. In the embosser, set the paper size to a value in which the width is equal to or larger than the width of the paper size selected in the TactileView program. Note: when printing in landscape format, it is handled by the TactileView program by rotating the print image, so as far as the printer is concerned always leave the selected paper format as portrait and place the paper in the printer also standing as portrait format.