Pre-release firmware setup-X How to make your V5 printer a pre-release test unit Ensure that the latest available firmware is installed, and the printer is connected to internet. Start Beta test mode by holding HELP key, then press the CHS key. It is verified by speech feedback: "Pre-release enabled". Menu/ User service/ Firmware upgrade/ Firmware upgrade from Internet. The latest pre release firmware will now be installed. When completed, the printer will restart. The UPDATE text lights up when the new pre-release firmware is available. During the evaluation process, the pre-release firmware will be upgraded on a regular basis following feedback from distributors and internal testing. Do not deliver a printer in pre-release mode to a customer How to disable pre-release mode on your printer and set it back to a standard printer Wait until the next publically released firmware is available. Close Pre-release mode by holding HELP key, then press the CHS key. It is verified by speech feedback: "Pre-release disabled". Menu/ User service/ Firmware upgrade/ Firmware upgrade from Internet. The latest firmware release will now be installed. Ready!