Disable accessible mode


Setup IP with Wi-Fi setup file V5-X

  1. Send the Wi-Fi setup file with SSID (Network name) and password to the printer.
  2. Download the esc file from Index website here.
  3. Edit the file with your 'Network name' and 'Password' using Notepad++ and save it.
  4. Right click on the file, select Index-direct-Braille, your V5 embosser and press OK.
  5. The Wi-Fi icon flickers when establishing a network connection.
  6. The Wi-Fi icon lights up when  the network is connected to the internet. The printer speech feedback: "Connected to Network name, IP number."
  7. The Wi-Fi connection via WiFi setup file is now established. If the setup fails, speech feedback: "No known network available".
Link to Printer Port Network Setup