The always updated monitor icons are located in the top right corner of the BrailleApp.
- Firmware updates icon. When this is red a new firmware update is available on Internet. From this the firmware may be updated via Internet or from USB memory stick.
- Bluetooth icon. When this is blue the Bluetooth is on. From this icon Bluetooth devices can be paired and disconnected.
- WiFi icon. When this is blue the WiFi network is establish. Informs about IP address, SSID name and signal strength. The use may disconnect, connect and setup WiFi connections from this icon.
- Wired network icon. When blue a wired network is established. It inform about the IP address.
- USB Memory device icon. When blue a USB memery is connected. The user may safely disconnect USB memory from this icon.
- Printer status icon, green=idle, yellow=printing, red=error
- Login icon, user (green) =only printing, admin (blue) =in addition layout and communication setup or service (red) =in addition "protected service" menu with command center and system details