Paper step length calibration V5
MENU/ USER SERVICE/ (Everest/BrailleBox/FanFold) wizard for paper step length calibration
Basic-D V4; No paper step length is needed
Everest-D V5; Run the step length calibration when a new paper quality is used or the electronic/mechanical hardware has been changed.
Everest-D Calibration steps:
- Start paper step length calibration
- Confirm paper size
- One page is feeded through the printer and measured
- A braille layout testpage is printed and the function completed.
BrailleBox V5; Run the step length calibration when a new paper quality is used or the electronic/mechanical hardware has been changed.
BrailleBox steps:
- Paper step length calibration (press OK to start)
- ECHO; please confirm to run paper step length calibration with current paper (vilket är det?)
- OK -> feeds and measures one paper
- Print braille layout (press ok to start), the door opens.
- ECHO: Press OK to close the door
- Wizard completed (press ok to save or on to cancel)
FanFold V5. Run this calibration if the paper movement is not correct.
FanFold wizard steps:
- Paper step length calibration (press OK to start)
- Press OK to remove the paper from the paper (when paper is loaded in the printer)
- Separate the paper in three ocntinious paper sheets (press OK to continue)
- Put the three continious paper sheeets in the tractors, and press OK to load.
- Open the lids on both tractors, remove the paper and close the lids again. Put the paper above the tractors. Press OK to calibrate. (The paper will now be measured)
- Press OK to unload the paper
Wizard completed (press OK to save or ON to cancel)
- Save settings, close menu mode