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Braille editors

Index BrailleApp is the obvious choice when printing standard text documents (doc, docx, pdf). It is free-of-charge, supports all major operation systems, have more than 140 languages. In addition to printing, editing and saving the braille document, it also support embosser setup (selection /editing of embosser layout), communication setup (network, Bluetooth) and monitoring of printer status. The BrailleApp is available on all Index V5 embossers when the printer is connected to a network port. 
Test the BrailleApp on this link

Index-direct-Braille embedded in all Index V5 braille printers.   

A more professional braille editor is required when the document is complicated including multiple languages, tables, bullet list, music, maths or exact formatting.  The primary function of a braille editor is to translate the text to braille, literally or contracted, and format it for the braille page.

Index BrailleApp, Index-direct-Braille, DBT Duxbury US, Odt2braille , ElPicsPrint tactile graphic editor, Euler, Biblos, Braille 2000 US, TactileView - Tactile Graphics, PictureBraille, CX for Word (Sweden), RTFC Braille converter Germany, Lambda and BME2 Braille Music Editor

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Identify your embosser

For V4/V5 embossers enter your serial number below. For older embosser go to embosser overview from 1986 to today.
