Help & Manual translation->
Index Braille uses Help & Manual as the tool for creating manuals. With this system it is easy to make pdf, Word and Help files etc from the same source document.
1. Download and install Help & Manual from The H&M can be used for 30 days free of charge.
2. Send an email to and request for the latest H&M source files to Index user manual. A zip file containing folders, H&M source file, pictures, pdf template etc will be mailed to your attention.

3. Open the H&M file for your language ( example: 01 Source doc/ 02 Arabic/ Embosser V5 Jan 2018 arab.hmxz). Latest English translation will now be opened and it is your major work task to translate the text into the local language. Following text types should not be translated (this is the major work): a) text marked with x, b) text marked with "userx" in the left information three in H&M.

4. Adjust the Print Manual Designer Template to your language. This template forms the pdf document in you local language.

a) Open Print Manual Designer, press on the icone and browse/open the English template file
://Source file Help&Manual/ 09 Template/ Index Manual template eng.mnl
b) Edit the "Index V5 Braille Printer Manual" text to your own language. Double click on the text, an edit window will be presented where new text should be entered.
c) Adjust the "date" in the same way
d) Adjust "language" in the same way. Please include both English and local name of the language
e) Save your Manual Designer Template file as Manual template "language".mnl
5. Test to make a pdf version of your local manual.
a) File/ Publish format, Select Adobe PDF/
b) Select output file folder and name (// 07 Output doc/ XX your language) + name (User manual V5 "your language".pdf)
c) Browse and select "your" Manual template
d) Press "Publish Now", the pdf manual will now generated automatically. Check if it is OK and is so send the localized H&M source file and Print Manual designer files to