How to edit the braille file
Start by activating the pre-view mode, before editing. Now the braille page is presented, following the active layout settings of your V5 printer. It shows:
- characters per line
- binding margin
- outer margin
- lines per page
- top margin
- bottom margin
- braille page numbering
Edit a braille preview
The Braille page is by default presented in braille. Editing always start with by activating the edit (pen) icon. Editing of braille document is made by six-key-entry. Here the keys and combination of the keys represents the braille cell where f=1, d=2, s=3, j=4, k=5 and l=6.
Editing of MIT Ascii braille preview
Select MIT Ascii presentation and the braille document is presented in standard american text. This braille preview can be edit in a similar way as standard editors by using the qwerty keyboard.
In addition to braille characters (qwerty or six-key-entry) the BrailleApp preview also support
- backspace
- delete
- arrows up, down. right and left
Save the edited file in ipf (Index Print Format) by pressing on the save icon. Open the ipf file in your BrailleApp or print it directly with idB.